Kat standing next to a Stone Tablet in the Delvool Trench Mine's Candle Zone.
This article features a detailed guide through the Delvool Trench Mine, which is arguably the most difficult gameplay mode in Gravity Rush 2. It consists of 50 floors that progress in a fixed difficulty, meaning that floors will not change content depending on Kat's upgrades or talismans equipped. Completing it will require high commitment and great understanding of talisman functionality, but the rarest talisman attributes and largest quantities of Precious Gems await those willing to engage the journey!
This comprehensive walkthrough of the Delvool Trench Mine will include references and spoilers to the main story —especially on the layers succeeding the 30th —so proceed with discretion. And if the Trench Mine ever gets too rough, such that Kat falls, quickly reload the current auto-save file in order to spawn at the start of the last-visited layer. It's an excellent strategy to stay in the game!
1st - 5th Layers[]
1st Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies.
Location: Mining Site No.0
The first level of the Delvool Trench Mine features the simple task of defeating 10 Nevi. Use a combination of ground kicks and Gravity Kicks to take out both aerial and ground-based enemies. Watch out for projectiles, though!
2nd Layer[]
Objective: Take pictures of 5 different Scarabs.
Location: Mining Site No.0
This level is the beginning of many floors with interesting challenges. Using Kat's camera, fly around the map and take pictures of Nevi. For success, it is better to move and take pictures quickly before the Nevi begin attacking. Prior knowledge of Nevi movement patterns is also helpful.
3rd Layer[]
Objective: Change gravity styles and defeat all enemies.
Location: Mining Site No.0
The task for the Trench Mine's third floor is to use all three gravity styles at least once to defeat all Nevi. It is recommended to use Lunar Style against the Mosui (flying, wasp-like Nevi) and Jupiter Style against stronger, ground-based Nevi.
4th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies at the same time.
Location: Mining Site No.0
As this floor starts Kat with a full SP gauge, it implies a clear strategy. To defeat the five Nevi that spawn, fly to a roughly central location and use any of Kat's three special attacks - although the Micro or Ultra Black Hole is most efficient.
5th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Location: Mining Site No.0
Rewards: "First Step" Talisman
Given just 70 seconds to destroy 20 Nevi, this may seem a daunting task to complete at first. However, as there are several discarded rock projectiles scattered about, they can be used to advantage. Pull them into a Stasis Field (talismans that augment the Stasis Field's stock limit are welcome here) and launch them at the aerial enemies. Be wary of the numerous projectiles launched by Nevi, though, as they'll interrupt the path of any thrown object. Finally, use a Jupiter-style Surge Kick (or two) on the Are (common lizard-like Nevi on the ground) crawling about to deal massive damage to several of them. Combining these two tactics should net a victory for the Trench Mine's 5th layer.
6th - 10th Layers[]
6th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat enemies whilst sliding. Being heavy will help.
Location: Toflug Reef
As hinted at by the inscription on the Stone Tablet, the idea for this layer is to use Jupiter style to defeat all enemies. As the only Nevi available are Are and Lancan, zipping around the alligator-like Lancan and killing Are is the best means of quickly completing the layer objective. Following a hit-and-run strategy also minimizes damage taken.
7th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies without straying from the island.
Location: Toflug Reef
This layer presents the interesting challenge of defeating all Nevi in the "Gravel Pit" - as named by the residents of the Banga Settlement. First, go for the enemy in the middle of the pit; its two blade-like projectiles can pose a threat if left unattended. Using Jupiter style is effective here, as well as alternating between evading and attacking. The Nevi surrounding it are best taken out in Lunar style.
8th Layer[]
Objective: Take out 5 Scarabs in one throw. Use the Scarab's shells.
Location: Toflug Reef
As its most fundamental, this layer is a tutorial on Piercing Throws, which are performed in Normal style by pressing and holding the O button—charged Statis Field. However, there remains some strategy to this level. If Kat's damage output isn't enough to send a projectile through 5 enemies, then it is helpful to weaken the Nevi with gravity kicks. A relative gauge of health exists in the cores on the Nevi; if low on health, their cores will become more muted in color. Use this to weaken the appropriate Nevi before sending a Piercing Throw-enhanced projectile through at least five of them.
9th Layer[]
Objective: Take pictures with 5 types of Scarabs.
Location: Toflug Reef
Although similar to the 2nd layer in its objective, there are some subtle twists to this Stone Tablet inscription - as implied by the wording of the task description. The pictures taken must now include Kat, as well as five distinct types of Nevi. Nevertheless, the strategy for this layer is the same as its predecessor: fly about and take pictures as quickly as possible. Pressing Up on the D-Pad and L1 immediately afterwards will put Kat in selfie mode - perfect for taking a picture with an enemy before it attacks.
10th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the test.
Location: Toflug Reef (Dark Version)
Rewards: "Second Step" Talisman
This challenge pits Kat against a large, levitating Nevi boss that moves throughout the Gravel Pit - a name granted it by the residents of the Banga settlement. The boss alternates between a set of attacks: hurling a rock boomerang; emitting debris linearly to the ground; releasing dark, poisonous clouds of gas about itself; and swinging its scythe in close-quarter combat. Recognizing its attacks as they come is crucial to minimizing the damage taken. Furthermore, switching between Lunar and Normal style is an effective means of keeping up with a moving enemy while still meting out great damage.
11th - 15th Layers[]
11th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat 5 enemies with each gravity style.
Location: Enchanted Zone
A Nevi new to the Delvool Trench Mine appears in this layer: a giant hand extending from a miniature gravity storm. This Nevi cannot be killed. In order to complete this challenge, Kat must defeat 5 enemy with each style in the makeshift "pit". You need to count how many enemys you've defeated with each style, for exemple, if you've killed 6 enemy in jubiter style, you failed the challange. It is recommended to use Normal style against the alligator-like Lancan that run across the ground, Lunar Style against the Mosui that fly about the fringes of the arena, and Jupiter style against the Nevi encased in rock shields beneath the gravity storm. As combat in the arena can be fairly hectic, with so many Nevi concentrated in one place, it is best to use stasis field to defeat the enemy.
12th Layer[]
Objective: Only defeat the large enemy.
Location: Enchanted Zone
The task is self-explanatory. Upon engaging the challenge, pull several cacti into a Stasis Field and head down a few floors to the bottom of the rock structure, where a large, armoured Giacago will be waiting. Many smaller Nevi in the area will only serve as distractions, so using the Stasis Field is the fastest means of dealing damage to the only Nevi that counts. In addition, as the Giacago's armour breaks, it will decompose into several usable projectiles on the floor, which will aid in taking down this giant enemy.
13th Layer[]
Objective: Mine the ore but beware the toxic gas.
Location: Forbidden/Enchanted Zone
An unexpected mining mission pops up in this layer of the Trench Mine. As directed, collect 20 precious gems from the ore on the various levels of the structure, making sure not to spend too much time in the toxic gas below. Jupiter style is effective for walking straight through ore containers and collecting gems.
14th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat the enemies without using gravity powers. Stay light.
Location: Enchanted Zone
Now restricted to a non-shifting Lunar style and Jupiter Style, it's time to chase after those pesky flying Mosui with Boost Jumps (preferably). Evading often while in the air is not only helpful for avoiding their attacks, but it will also help with reorientation and accuracy in attacking. The Harpoon Shot (evade + attack while in Lunar style) is an effective offensive choice for this layer.
15th Layer[]
Objective: Protect the human-made object.
Location: Enchanted Zone
Rewards: "Third Step" Talisman
This layer's challenge takes on a fortress-defense format, with the headmaster statue from the school plaza sitting in the middle of an expanse. Lizard-like Are and wasp-like Mosui will first attack in waves; fend them off with Stasis objects and gravity kicks. Later, Jiu, Lancan, and other Nevi will join the fray in an all-out offensive on the human-made object. The key strategy is to be aware of all Nevi at all times. If a Nevi gets too close to home, it isn't always necessary to spend time defeating that Nevi. Instead, fend it off with a well-placed gravity kick or two, then redirect efforts towards other invading enemies.
16th - 20th Layers[]
16th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat the enemies without using gravity powers.
Location: Mining Site No.13
Deprived of the ability to shift gravity, Kat must defeat Nevi through other means. It's best to use Lunar style for the large Giacago, distant Mosui, and other flying Nevi, as it allows Kat to access otherwise hard-to-reach cores. On ground-based Nevi, other styles may prove more effective for damage output. Talismans that enhance the height of Lunar style's Boost Jump are useful for this layer.
17th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat enemies with the most cores first.
Location: Mining Site No.13
This layer's objective is largely straightforward, although it requires some level of observance and/or prior knowledge. The first Nevi to defeat is what seems like a massive, floating whale surrounded by smaller, core-less Nevi. This is the only new Nevi to be introduced in the layer, and through careful evasion and persistent attack in Lunar style, its cores can be eliminated. Otherwise, all other Nevi can be defeated using normal means.
18th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat the enemies within the time limit.
Location: Mining Site No.13
This is arguably the third most notorious layer in all of the Delvool Trench Mine (the second and first most notorious are yet to come), as Kat is given a lot of powerful Nevi to defeat within a relatively unforgiving time frame. Remaining near the middle of the arena, where the Giacago and other stronger Nevi are, will encourage an onslaught of attacks from several Nevi that requires nearly incessant evading. Talismans that raise the number of times Kat can evade, as well as those that increase damage output and/or Stasis Field stock limit, are critical to success in the Delvool Trench Mine's 18th layer. Transitioning between attacking/employing Surge Kicks in Jupiter style and regular/Piercing Throws in Normal style is particularly effective against the stronger Nevi in the middle of the arena. There is a more advanced approach to this layer, however, if Panther Mode has been unlocked (requires completion of Episode 25 in the main story, "Silence"). By intentionally keeping health low, evading often, and dealing plenty of damage to Nevi using the aforementioned methods, Kat can enter Panther mode, a temporary super-state in which she can deal massive damage while slowly rebuilding health. If committed to the Panther mode approach, it's better to rely less on the healing qualities of Panther Mode, and more on the damage-dealing. The Gravity Panther is most effective on the fringe Nevi, as their lasers often add to the ruckus in the center of the arena. Finally, the last approach to this layer requires a full SP gauge prior to each attempt (this can be achieved by using wormhole kicks on the floating Jiu while the Stone Tablet isn't activated). Talismans that increase damage dealt in Lunar and Jupiter style are recommended (such as Destroyer/Pain Inducer/Abrasive [L, J, or All]). If Kat's damage output is strong enough, she may be able to destroy the shelled Nevi with a fully charged Surge Kick at the feet of the Giacago. Avoid laser beams until at least one school of fish-like Nevi fly near the Giacago; then unleash a Micro/Ultra Black Hole to destroy them both (stray attacks may cancel this move, so be careful!). Finish off any of the remaining flying Nevi in Lunar Style, and, with enough SP built, destroy the remaining Nevi with Piercing Throws. Pick out a favorite approach and net a well-deserved victory!
19th Layer[]
Objective: Take a picture of 3 Scarabs at the same time.
Location: Mining Site No.13
This layer has the potential to be a very fast one, as the objective is simple. Draw the flying Mosui, lizard-like Are, and/or alligator-like Lancan towards the stationary, flower Nevi for lots of commotion and an epic picture!
20th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the test.
Location: Mining Site No.13 (Dark Version)
Rewards: "Fourth Step" Talisman
The whale-like Nevi is back! Use a variety of Stasis Field projectiles, wormhole kicks, and gravity kicks to deal damage to its numerous cores. Make sure to evade constantly, as damage can be swiftly and unexpectedly accumulated. Otherwise, persisting in careful, deliberate offense should eventually net a victory and exit from Mining Site No.13.
21st - 25th Layers[]
21st Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies with 3 throws.
Location: Candle Zone
Welcome to the dark and mysterious Candle Zone - objectively the best rift plane of the Gravity Rush series. We don't really want to rush this walkthrough, but "Candlelit Journey" starts playing at Layer 24, so...Let's get moving! For this layer, another tutorial in Piercing Throws awaits! Pull nearby projectiles into a Stasis Field (remember that this consumes SP), hurl them at the distant Jiu, and watch those problems disappearing, one by one! Then continue to the 22nd layer.
22nd Layer[]
Objective: Defeat one enemy without directly attacking.
Location: Candle Zone
The objective for this layer is an interesting one: defeat an enemy without directly attacking it. In order to do this, switch to Lunar style and lure the snapping Lancan near the Giacago, which will proceed to emit a miniature explosion, reminiscent of a black hole. The explosion will damage the Lancan, and, if baited again and again, will eventually eliminate them. The tactic here is simply to dance in and out of range, chafing away at the Lancans' health until death. This layer will take some time to complete, so those victory skewers might have to wait...
23rd Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies without taking damage.
Location: Candle Zone
Here it is: the first of the infamous perfect-run layers! This is more introductory, as the best strategy is the safest strategy. Fill up the Stasis Field with projectiles and then fly about the map, taking out Nevi along the way. Continue this tactic until all projectiles in the map have been used. Then engage in close-quarter combat with greater precaution than usual, as the fewer attempts made, the better. Lunar Style projectiles will stun-lock enemies for a while, allow you to get several safe hits in. But be careful of touching fire that erupts from the hills, as they will deal damage to you.
24th Layer[]
Objective: Alternate ground and air enemies. Start small and finish big.
Location: Candle Zone
YES! "Candlelit Journey!" Layers 24 and 25 are the only levels in the Delvool Trench Mine to feature it, so enjoy the music while it lasts! Anyhow, this layer is accompanied by a notably cryptic challenge, although it still follows the general pattern of defeating all enemies under specific requirements. Though it may not seem obvious at first, the objective is to target the smallest Nevi first (Are) and end with the largest (armoured Giacago). Also, as less cryptically stated, alternate between ground-based and aerial Nevi. Once the order has been established, this layer becomes straightforward.
25th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies without harming the bubbles.
Location: Candle Zone
Rewards: "Fifth Step" Talisman
No longer is the objective to defeat a Nevi boss; instead, Kat must destroy all Nevi without popping any of the many bubbles floating about the stage. This is best accomplished with Stasis projectiles, as these are scattered everywhere - not just on the starting landmass, but on other landmasses in the layer as well. Instead of engaging in direct combat with the Nevi (as they will attack and inevitably cause a bubble to burst, inconsiderate as they are), float in strategic points outside the range of enemy detection and simply fire away at the Nevi cores. Feel good about completing this layer, but also say goodbye to the beautiful Candle Zone and its especially beautiful track, "Candlelit Journey" (but not for the last time!).
26th - 30th Layers[]
26th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the test.
Location: Near Archway Viewing Screen - Lei Colmosna (Marketplace), Jirga Para Lhao (Dark Version)
Rewards: "Sixth Step" Talisman
Surprise, surprise! As if to celebrate completion of the Delvool Trench Mine's first predictably situated 25 layers, the 26th layer is a graduation to wackier environs. Face off once again against Night Gale, Raven's alter ego, in a more sinister interpretation of the once bustling port town of Lei Colmosna! As there will be several crates lying about, pull them into a Stasis Field for some instant, readily available damage to Masked Raven. Then take to the air and chase after her in a gravitational dog fight! Watch out for her Blue Jays, keep an eye on the Gravity Gauge, and continue to pelt her with objects. After this fight, Raven won't have any further misunderstanding about who the better Shifter is.
27th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the test.
Location: Toflug Reef (Dark Version)
Rewards: "Seventh Step" Talisman
As if this enigmatic Trench Mine couldn't get any stranger, Kat is thrown into a rematch with Fi, for a good ol' game of B'oarack! There's a rhythm to Fi's attacks, that, when learned, will earn Kat her three bells in no time. Don't be afraid to chase after Fi and launch a barrage of ground kicks. However, be sure to end it early and evade, as he'll retaliate with a set of his own. But in general, follow this pattern whenever proximate to Fi. Upon distancing himself, Fi will attempt to sweep Kat off her feet (as we all wish we could) with a long cord. Evade whilst approaching him to avoid this attack, then strike! The game is an overall balance of careful, methodical attack and well-timed evasion.
28th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the test.
Location: Near Fort Bismalia Deck - Avarash au Govena (Central Authority), Jirga Para Lhao (Dark Version)
Two Garrison Eliminator bots will descend to the stage in a hectic, hellish, missile-raining battle! In order to deal damage to these militant miscreants, attack the glowing purple cores on their hind legs. Destroying one of them will expose a much larger core on its back, which, if attacked, will deal more damage. An effective strategy - as there will be constant missiles flying at Kat from various directions - is to use Stasis Field to eliminate the Garrison soldiers on the ground. This removes unnecessary sources of damage, allowing Kat to focus on the two machines. Alternatively, equipping Talismans that enhance gravity kicks and overall damage output could allow for an immediate barrage on the two machines - as opposed to a slower, more defensive play-style.
29th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the test.
Location: Near Pandora's Fortunes - Pleajeune (Entertainment District), Hekseville (Dark Version)
Rewards: "Ninth Step" Talisman
Remember that good-for-nothing Gravity Queen replacement? What's her name, Kali? This layer pits Kat against her rival in a good old-fashioned Pleajeune bar fight...outside the bar. Just as with Night Gale, there's a pattern to Kali's attacks. Avoid her lunging drill attack; she's vulnerable afterwards. However, she may also donkey kick to interrupt ground combos, so only attack in short bursts. Avoiding these two attacks and maintaining melee pressure should result in a quick fight.
30th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the test.
Location: The Lost City (Dark Version)
Rewards: "Tenth Step" Talisman
The hostile, skull-bearing core of the Lost City from Episode 12: Black Eagle returns as the finale to the previously 30-floor Delvool Trench Mine! Upon meeting the Gravity Engine, go for the cores resembling eyes at its front. Energy-based projectiles from the holes of its forehead might interrupt this process, so make sure to evade between gravity kicks. From this point onward, the fight revolves around attacking Nevi cores in the tubes that attach the Gravity Engine to the surrounding wall. Destroying all the cores in a tube will cause another core at the front of the "skull" to open. When this occurs, return to it and deal as much damage to this core as possible. It may be a viable strategy to conserve a full SP gauge for this phase of the fight, as using the Spiraling Claw on this large core will deal a massive amount of damage. Consequently, Talismans that amplify the duration of the Spiraling Claw may prove useful.
31st - 35th Layers[]
31st Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies but protect the floor.
Location: Dream Zone
Thanks to the Ark of Time DLC released for Gravity Rush 2, the Delvool Trench Mine's has had a 20-layer extension! That very 20-layer extension brought with it a plethora of new content, as well as significant changes to existing systems in the mine. First is the inclusion of radiant and brilliant stones, which are rarer than shiny talismans - the once-highest denomination. Mining these talismans yields the rarest attributes in the game, such as "Destroyer," the strongest of the "Abrasive" class talismans, and even attributes that enhance Panther Mode! Additionally, the Nevi gradually change colour (they become lighter) moving towards layer 50, which signifies greater health and damage output. But in any case, the objective. Layer 31 starts Kat off in front of a gridded glass floor, with three armoured Nevi surrounding a floating Jiu above it. A simple strategy is to remain above the Nevi at all times, so that lasers will continuously point away from the floor. Lunar style is safest for this layer, as the wormhole kick can be used to quickly avoid laser targeting. It can also be used to quickly break away from Nevi about to fire beams.
32nd Layer[]
Objective: Reach your destination within the time limit.
Location: Dream Zone
In this layer, the objective is to complete a long, 50-second obstacle course across a gridded glass floor to the destination. 50 seconds might seem short at first, but there's plenty of sightseeing to do along the way! Jupiter style is the standard, of course - gotta go fast, right? The biggest challenge here is not to fall off, as doing so will end the challenge and place Kat at the beginning of the course. In general, look out for pitfalls and gaps to jump. There will also be Minaye that create explosions along the way, breaking parts of the course and making the correct path narrower and more difficult to follow. Upon successfully completing the course, Kat will fall onto a rock structure resembling a hand.
33rd Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies.
Location: Dream Zone
After a succession of layers with peculiar objectives, this layer's objective might seem like a breath of fresh air. And indeed it is, considering the layer that will follow it. This layer pans out like a mining site under the Strange Gravitational Phenomena event, in which Kat will have to defeat a Nevi boss. In this manner, this layer is strikingly similar to the 10th, in which the same strategies used to defeat that Nevi boss are effective against this one. The glass floor beneath this Nevi makes for a temporary shield, as the line of debris that spouts from the Nevi's underside will destroy the glass. It's not a bad idea to shift underneath it, in order to restore health with the appropriate, regenerative Talisman attributes. Otherwise, maintain an aggressive play style (while watching out for that nasty rock boomerang) to quickly eliminate this boss.
34th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies without getting hurt.
Location: The Lost City (Dark Version)
Welcome to what is the second most notorious layer in the Delvool Trench Mine. After the relatively mellow, cheerful environs of the Dream Zone, it's time to head back into the dark, dreary depths of the Lost City for the next challenge. Simply getting to said challenge requires navigating a Nevi-infested maze of corridors. Make sure not to backtrack by heading to where Nevi are. And where there isn't Nevi, look for the grid-like walls that are only breakable by the Surge Kick or the Jupiter style gravity slide. But, the objective. This layer requires the perfect defeat of 20 powerful Nevi, evenly distributed between two rooms. The first room consists of a floating army of Minaye (think periodic explosions, floating cores) and a Giacago near the entrance leading to the second room. There's also a sneaky little Jiu close to Kat; be sure to take it out at the start of each attempt (as there will likely be many). The safest strategy (and therefore best strategy) for the first room is to let the Minaye do the work. Although it's a lengthy process, baiting their explosions will cause them to deal damage to each other and even the ground-based Nevi nearest to Kat. Another means of clearing the first room (although it requires a full SP gauge) is to use the Micro/Ultra Black Hole to destroy all Minaye, while leaving the Giacago out of range. Attack the Giacago with Gravity Kicks, but remember to pull parts of its breaking armour into a Stasis Field for added damage. These projectiles will be useful against another Giacago in the second room. Venturing close enough to this Nevi should prompt a series of rock-like projectiles to fly out at Kat - they're from a flowery Nevi on the ground of that second room. This will be a vital, constant source of ammunition, allowing safe elimination of remaining Nevi in the room.
35th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies despite limitations.
Location: Mining Site No.0
After the tense action of the 34th layer, it's time to seemingly start all over again - back in the familiar atmosphere of Mining Site No. 0. Note, however, that Nevi will be significantly, obviously stronger than their counterparts in the 1st - 5th layers of the Trench Mine. In this level, the objective is to defeat all enemies despite "limitations." Nevertheless, this layer's fight should feel most familiar, as a combination of Lunar style, Normal Style, and Stasis projectiles should quickly eliminate all Nevi.
36th - 40th Layers[]
36th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies with only special attacks.
Location: The World Pillar (Interior)
Contrary to popular belief (or, more specifically, my initial belief), the objective of this layer is not to defeat all four whale-like Nevi at various places near the World Pillar. The challenge can instead be accessed by heading down the tunnel near the bottom of the available map, into the Pillar itself. But before doing this, head over to the aforementioned whale Nevi anyway, and attack them until the SP gauge is full. This is a crucial step to make this layer's objective much, much easier. The challenge consists of a Nevi-infested arena inside the World Pillar - each creature only capable of defeat through one of Kat's three special attacks. Starting the challenge with a full SP gauge is crucial, as Kat will be able to use two special attacks in succession - a necessary allowance. For the first special attack, fly to the center of the arena and perform a Micro/Ultra Black Hole (although at this point in the Trench Mine, it should really be an Ultra Black Hole). It's the most consistent and effective means of taking out Nevi, and should reduce the Nevi count to a single-digit number. Head back to the Stone Tablet to find an SP gem - this will only be available if the challenge was started with a full gauge, and collect it. Talismans with the Lunar style-specific Power Extender attribute are useful here, as it's best to use the Lunar style Gravity Typhoon to take out the remaining Nevi.
37th Layer[]
Objective: Satisfy your hunger.
Location: Candle Zone
This layer being a personal favourite, it's time to whip out them gestures! A girl's gotta eat, right? Kat will be dropped in the midst of a Nevi-infested arena, with the simple goal of enjoying her lunch 20,000 leagues under the sea...without dying. But in more technical terms, this objective calls for strategic use of the "Donut," "Skewer," "Ice Cream," and/or "Apple" gestures to fill a gauge at the top right corner of the screen. But...enjoying lunch 20,000 leagues under the sea just sounds better, doesn't it? It's best to hide behind rocks, away from the speeding Lancan and darting Mosui, to activate the desired gesture. There are certain spots in the arena where Kat will be unreachable due to the limited range of Nevi attacks, but these spots are better found by practice than description. Careful use of the gestures should net a victory for the Trench Mine's 37th layer! Good luck, and happy eating!
38th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Location: Mining Site No.13
Similarly to the 18th layer, the Trench Mine's 38th layer will pit Kat in a timed battle against several Nevi. Unlike the 18th layer, however, Kat will have many more options at her disposal. If beginning with a full SP gauge, the majority of Nevi can be wiped out with a Micro/Ultra Black Hole, drastically reducing the difficulty of the layer's objective. Or, as an alternative, infinite ammunition from grounded Nevi can be used against the multiple Mosui for efficient elimination. Also, check out that alliteration!
39th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat the rare enemy.
Location: Toflug Reef
This is a more difficult layer, as Kat will square off against three Rare Lancan in the Gravel Pit, located on the island originally proximate to the Banga Settlement. Knowledge of the attack patterns of the Rare Lancan is crucial here, as, although Rare Nevi have significantly boosted health, they also have significantly boosted damage - an attribute that can be exploited. It's possible to defeat two of the three Rare Lancan by simply running between them and baiting them to attack each other, although such a process, while safer, is lengthy and repetitive. Using talismans that increase Kat's damage output is a useful strategy in order to more quickly build SP for special attacks. Be careful not to take damage from the Rare Lancan, as, most often, one hit is enough to wipe out Kat.
40th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies.
Location: Enchanted Zone
This layer revisits the trend of employing simpler objectives, albeit with a unique twist: Kat must defeat 11 Nevi in a poisonous environment. Talismans with the Serum attribute make this layer significantly easier, while talismans with the rarer Antidote attribute make this layer an absolute cakewalk. Jupiter style is an effective means of eliminating the Nevi, as well as the Lunar style special attack, if applicable. Given the large number of projectiles (cacti) in the environment, generous ammunition is available to assist in defeating all enemies.
41st - 45th Layers[]
41st Layer[]
Objective: Defeat only weak enemies.
Location: The World Pillar (Interior)
Before meeting the challenge, Kat must follow a long, scenic descent down the World Pillar - a scenic descent full of exotic obstacles; uneven, verdant terrain; ore; and, of course, Nevi. Along the way are flower-like Nevi - the same ones that were seen holding the arms of the Lost City together - that emit powerful, poisonous clouds of gas. Avoid these clouds at all costs, as they will leech Kat's health at an astounding rate. Also present on the (unguided) tour are white Nevi with significantly boosted health and damage output, and in possession of similarly powerful, aqua-colored projectiles. The Stone Tablet is located near the bottom of the pillar, and upon activating it, masses of common Are will appear on multiple levels of the Pillar near the Tablet. Only three of them can be defeated in one hit. Defeating any of the stronger Nevi will end the challenge. For this layer's objective, Normal style is best. Make sure to stay out of their range, as they will leap suddenly - dealing great and entirely unnecessary damage. Test the Nevi by aiming a single gravity kick at each core, taking note of the change in color that indicates which Nevi have been struck. The "weaker enemies" will dissipate in one hit. Defeating three of them will complete the layer.
42nd Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies without touching them.
Location: Toflug Reef
This is one of the most talisman-oriented layers in the Trench Mine, as the objective requires either special attacks or Piercing Throws to complete. Talismans with Stasis Conserver and/or damage-minimizing attributes (think Unbreakable or Defender) are crucial here. For the strategy that uses special attacks, move to the side of the island opposite the Stone Tablet to a location in which four of the five Jiu are visible. Use the Lunar style's Gravity Typhoon to take out these four Nevi, but make sure that they are actually visible on screen; otherwise they won't be defeated. The last Nevi is going to be difficult, as it is out of range of the Gravity Typhoon. Damage-minimizing Talisman attributes come into play here, as it will be necessary to take damage from the Jiu's projectiles in order to fill up the SP gauge. If Panther Mode has been unlocked, then it is likely to activate when health is low - it can be used to recuperate some of the health lost. In any case, once the SP gauge is filled to max capacity, take out the remaining Jiu with the Gravity Typhoon again, to complete the layer. The other strategy works by consuming less of the SP gauge to create Stasis projectiles in Normal style. However, these projectiles must be powerful enough to destroy the Jiu in one hit; Talisman attributes that increase Stasis Field-based damage (such as Compressor), or damage in general (such as the Abrasive class), will work here. Lastly, beware the Nevi projectiles, as they will interrupt Kat's own and render the layer incompletable.
43rd Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies as another.
Location: Mining Site No.13
Upon engaging the Stone Tablet challenge, the screen will fade to white, and the layer will be completed by another! Not The Other, as it should be pointed out, but just the other - lowercase o. Jokes aside, it's time to play as Raven! The best strategy is to fly about the battlefield, taking projectiles from the grounded Nevi to use against laser-bearing Nevi in the air. Raven's special attack, High Pressure, is also useful - it's an ability in which she distorts gravity around herself to destroy Nevi. Combine these two techniques to take out all the enemies. And cherish this rare, precious moment with Raven, as it will be sorely missed in the next layer, which is absolutely abysmal.
44th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat all enemies within the time limit.
Location: The Lost City (Dark Version)
If the Delvool Trench Mine hasn't been emotionally volatile up to this point, then it will surely compensate with this abomination of a challenge. Yes, welcome to the most notorious layer in all of the Delvool Trench Mine. Yes, this might sound like an overreaction. But, well, no...it's actually not. This layer serves as a ruthless combination of the 18th and 32nd, as Kat must chart a long, winding obstacle course through the labyrinth of corridors within the Lost City, taking out the 28 powerful Nevi she will see along the way - all within the span of five minutes. The time limit might seem abundant and generous at first. It isn't. Move quickly, in Lunar style, and take conscious note of the Nevi's attack patterns, as it's necessary to exploit Nevi and deal damage almost incessantly in order to finish on time. Talisman attributes that enhance Panther Mode (namely Anger and Rage) are extraordinarily helpful, and knowing how and how often to activate Panther Mode is fundamental to completing this layer. The first two Nevi encountered will hurl rock projectiles. Take out the first with gravity kicks, and as it drops its projectiles, use them against the second Nevi. Also develop the habit of taking Stasis projectiles from past skirmishes into future ones, as they're an available, vital source of immediate damage. Ideally, the Stasis Field should be the only method of attack throughout this layer, but there won't always be enough projectiles to get the job done. Upon continuing to take and deal damage, Kat will build up tension and inevitably unlock Panther Mode. When using it, don't attack haphazardly, as Nevi firing lasers can rapidly deplete health. It's better to take out laser-bearing Nevi from behind, slashing at them until they die. Don't worry about health either; there won't be time to. And finally, near the end of the obstacle course, Kat will face a spear-bearing Nevi, a grounded Nevi, an aerial laser-bearing Nevi, and an armoured Giacago. There won't be much time left (indubitably less than two minutes). Use as many Stasis projectiles as possible, and keep health low, to facilitate transformation into Panther Mode. Execute a combination of these techniques, improvise a bit, watch for the Nevi's attacks, and finally shut those eyes tight as the timer hits zero. Then open them again, realize that everything is destroyed, move on to the next layer, and binge on victory skewers for a job well done!
45th Layer[]
Objective: Defeat the rare enemy.
Location: The Kingdom (Castle of Sand), Eto
Of all layers in the Delvool Trench Mine, the setting of this stage is unique. There's a sense of regal stature about the place...perhaps even foreboding. After all, this IS the castle of Kat's origin - in which she dared clash against the Senate of Eto, and fell to Hekseville. It may consequently seem out of place to see ore deposits everywhere - on the floor, the ceiling, the walls. Nevi to be encountered in the hallway are significantly stronger than any enemy seen in the Delvool Trench Mine up to this point. And the challenge has Kat facing even stronger enemies: 5 Rare Nevi. A logical approach to this layer would involve engaging the Rare Are in melee combat, but this quickly gets repetitive and even dangerous, as the Are, despite having only one attack (a leap) can still mete out fatal damage at any time. Instead, wait until the second Nevi appears (there's a set time for it to make its entrance); this enemy will be used throughout the challenge. Hammer the Are with its projectiles; in fact, hammer ALL subsequent Nevi with its projectiles. Against later enemies, it's recommended to hang back around the mining boat. And don't worry; we won't call it cowardice, just this once. Continue this strategy until all Nevi are defeated, then proceed triumphantly into the final five layers of the mine. Almost there!
46th - 50th Layers[]
46th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the test.
Location: Near New Stormshield Tower Remains - Endestria (Factory District), Hekseville (Dark Version)
Friends turned rogue, Yunica and Permet have proven their chaotic neutrality a second time. It's time to take them down once again! Take to the skies and switch to Lunar mode; most of the fight will consist of chasing down those dirty Delta fighters with wormhole kicks. Watch for patterns in their attacks; for example, Permet likes to fire homing beams, while Yunica charges up, then lunges in a straight line. Between flurries of missile blasts and soldiers blasting about in every which direction, taking damage is inevitable. Using talismans with the Anger attribute will facilitate the activation of Panther Mode. This is a far superior and more consistent mode of attack, but make sure not to become too hasty; health does tend to fly out the window, in these layers.
47th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the test.
Location: Near Loop Line Station #1 - Vendecentre (Downtown), Hekseville (Dark Version)
Pro-tip: Before heading into this layer, don the Kali/Dark Angel outfit for extra salt bonus damage! Kali Angel and her sister, Durga Angel, will cooperate in attempting to take down Kat, but once again, cognizance of their attack patterns plays a huge role in taking them out. It's best to go after Durga Angel first, as Kali isn't much of an air fighter (kind of like a certain boxer we like to pick on in Smash Bros.?). Pull several objects into a Stasis Field, then go after Durga with gravity kicks. The ideal scenario positions Durga away from the ground of Vendecentre (i.e. above empty space), as this puts Kali out of commission. As soon as Durga throws up her shield, use the previously amassed projectiles to destroy the crystals and deal heavy damage. Then attack Durga with gravity kicks again until she throws up another shield. Grab projectiles. Hurl them. Rinse and repeat. Every once in a while, Kali will leap up in a relatively proximate location, trying to be relevant. Ignore her. First eliminate Durga, then switch to ground-based combat against Kali. She'll have plenty of blade-based attacks and fancy spin-moves, but the move to look for is a dashing lunge - she'll be vulnerable afterwards. Plan ahead to determine where Kali will end up, then barrage her with projectiles in stasis while also using melee attacks. If Panther mode activates, use it tactfully - Kali is still only vulnerable after the lunge attack. Striking at any other point will only waste time.
48th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the test.
Location: Bismalia Island (Episode 10) - Avarash au Govena (Central Authority), Jirga Para Lhao (Dark Version)
The objective for this layer might seem a little trivial and unassuming at first - take a nice stroll about the Bismalian island at night. Take in the scenery. Snap a quick picture of the pretty fish fountain, even. Reminisce about that rescue attempt with Raven from a while back. Oh, and defeat 300 freaking enemies from the Garrison soldier fleet. But not to worry...We're here to ensure Kat's evening isn't ruined! The traditional means of combat would involve switching to Lunar style and flying about the arena, running and gunning. But there's a more efficient, capitalistic way of doing things, as Jirga runs on capitalism! (®) Slide around the map and pull Garrison soldiers (they comprise the first major assault wave) into a stasis field. Hurl them anywhere, really, although later it'll prove more useful to hurl them at flying enemies. Once the second wave initiates and Grigos come out, hurl them, too! Successfully abusing the Stasis Field will eventually bring forth the Eliminator bots, as well as the final enemy waves. Although using Garrison soldiers as ammunition is still an excellent tactic, it may be even more useful to employ the Spiraling Claw here. This special attack is an even better option if it is works in tandem with the unique SP gauge recovery gained by maxing out Kat's combat abilities, as it's possible to chain several Spiraling Claws in quick succession. It's a great feeling, when done successfully. And after all that commotion, there'll be a nice present of pretty talisman stones to pick up, before continuing the aforementioned evening stroll. After all, there's still so much of the Bismalian island to explore, considering that it's not on the main map!
49th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the test.
Location: Clock Tower - Vendecentre (Downtown), Hekseville (Dark Version)
Great gobbledygook! It's a chemist's nightmare! (All right, that intro was pretty corny but it had to be said) The mutated mess that was once Kat's rival, Kali Angel, has reappeared on Vendecentre's Clock Tower! And don't ignore the solemn background and her darker coloration, either - this version of Mutated Kali's got amped-up damage output! Notwithstanding the likelihood of taking holy amounts of damage, though, the process is still similar, albeit more careful. The encounter will consist of two laps around the boss, taking out any open eyes until Kali's health reaches zero. Since Kali won't be...well, sitting around, waiting for her death...it's best to structure attacking and evading into an easy-to-maintain rhythm. Upon successfully hitting an eye with a gravity kick, evade twice or thrice, then launch another gravity kick. Over time, this will build up the SP gauge. Once it fills, fly to an area in which multiple eyes are open, then unleash the Micro/Ultra Black Hole to deal a hefty amount of damage. The second lap will be understandably more difficult, as Kali will attack more frequently. Between flying vomit and shock wave-inducing roars, as well as flying vomit and shock wave-inducing roars (don't forget the flying vomit and shock wave-inducing roars), Kali will keep Kat busy with the stunning diversity of her attacks. But jokes aside, keeping a consistent pressure, remembering to evade, using Panther mode to recuperate health when necessary, and flying around for health gems should shut Kali's trash-talking, vomit-spraying mouth for good.
Although the Kali Angel costume's still pretty cute.
Uh...the non-mutated kind, of course.
50th Layer[]
Objective: Pass the damn test.
Location: Clock Tower - Vendecentre (Downtown), Hekseville (Dark Version)
Rewards: "True Final Step" Talisman
It's been a long, long, long road in the Delvool Trench Mine - for both of us. For one of us, it's been 49 layers of grappling with Nevi, overcoming stage hazards, hightailing it through obstacle courses (with yet more Nevi and stage hazards), tossing about Garrison soldiers, crying upon reaching the 18th/34th/44th layer (yeah, we know), overcoming all odds against beefed-up main-story bosses, and trying to hold down a lunch in the midst of a Nevi onslaught. And for the other one of us, it's been 49 layers of writing about grappling with Nevi, overcoming stage hazards, hightailing it through obstacle courses...yadda yadda yadda. In any case, regardless of whether this is the second, or third, or even fourth PS4 controller, the spirits of such controllers have brought us to the 50th and final layer of the Delvool Trench Mine. Take to the skies against Elektricitie - Cai's chaotic creation - and get ready for an electrifying fight! Traditionally, Kat is meant to fight at a slower, more user-friendly pace - touring about Vendecentre, pulling objects into stasis, and hurling them at Elektricitie from the relatively safer ground. After all, lightning strikes tall buildings first, right? But by now, it's probably become obvious that the fastest way is rarely the traditional way. The speed runner's path is to play it risky and fly (me) to the storm of Elektricitie clones (that'll be the only Side Mission pun on the wiki!). The green-hued Elektricitie is our target, although she can be quite difficult to spot at first. Switch to Lunar style and attack her with wormhole kicks, as long as she's not crackling with electricity. Again, these electric effects can be difficult to spot, so for the first few attempts, playing cautious (even while inherently playing risky, seeing as Kat is hundreds of feet in the air in a thunderstorm) is an excellent means of noting when Elektricitie is safe to attack, as well as becoming accustomed to her movement patterns. As long as she isn't crackling with elektricitie (all right, I'm definitely fizzling out, here), she's vulnerable. And while she is crackling with electricity, the other clones will be attacking Kat. Although constantly evading is the tendency, watching for moving electric surges between the clones is a more accurate means of telling when a telegraphed attack is about to connect. In any case, stay vigilant and keep after Elektricitie, in order to close the boss fight and complete the Delvool Trench Mine! Doing so will prompt a victory message, as well as the slow, triumphant descent of the mining boat. But before leaving, take a couple of selfies! It's not every day that one sees Vendecentre at night!

Final Words[]
The Delvool Trench Mine gives significantly greater quantities of precious gems than typical mining locations, so it is one of the best sources of currency. Moreover, radiant and brilliant talisman stones are also exclusive to Layers 31 and beyond, so they're certainly the ticket to more sophisticated talisman attributes and play styles! Hopefully this guide has given you a solid understanding of your mission, should you choose to accept it, of completing the lengthy, often fickle trials in the Delvool Trench Mine.
So good luck in your journey, and happy shifting!
- If "Pleajeune" is typed, Google will correct it to "Pleasure." How fitting.
- Radiant and Brilliant talisman stones can only be found in the Delvool Trench Mine.
- It is possible for Kali to hurl Kat into a building in the 47th layer, as a glitch. If this happens, Kat will become immune to attacks from the angel sisters.
- If the Final Step Talisman is equipped in tandem with the unique SP gauge recovery, then it is possible to complete the 48th layer of the Trench Mine with a nonstop Spiraling Claw.
- The royal library can be accessed in Layer 45. Accessing the books will prompt a message different from that prompted in the main story.