Gravity Rush Wiki

Lisa is the strong and short-tempered leader of the Banga Settlement. Ever the realist, she inspires both fear and respect in the villagers but always prioritizes the safety of the settlement.




Gravity Rush 2


Lisa is stern, pragmatic, and frequently short-tempered. She tolerates no laziness or excuses from her workers and demands that everyone contribute their share to the settlement's well-being. She rarely smiles, commanding an authoritative and fearsome presence in front of others.

She maintains a grounded, realistic view of the world, to the point where she and Kat frequently clash with one another on the correct course of action. After Kat descends to Lei Elgona, she expresses disbelief and anger that Lisa would stand by and allow the poor of Jirga Para Lhao to be exploited. Bristling, Lisa responds that "We can't feed our families on ideals" and that "if we argue or fight back, things just get made worse." Her heritage as a Lhao causes her to harbor a deep-seated hatred for the reigning Council, but her practical, even cynical attitude has resigned her to working with them and with unsavory merchants such as Vogo.

After the events leading up to Episode 10: No Messiah, No Message, Lisa undergoes an abrupt change. Chopping her hair short and doffing her duster-like outerwear, she admits that Kat was right and that "if we don't fight for what's ours, we don't deserve it." She declares her intent to revolt against the Council, and with Kat's help she succeeds in overthrowing them, reclaiming the Cargo of the Lhao tribe and becoming the city's leader. Even then, though, she urges caution; when Neu Hiraleon descends upon Lei Havina, Kat demands she send in the fleet to assist, but Lisa refuses, saying they must consider the greater good of the city.

Lisa is implied to be a heavy drinker at the outset of the game, as she is depicted in cutscenes carrying a flask or taking swigs from a bottle. According to one of the residents of Banga, she often drowns her sorrows in alcohol, and her drink of choice is described as "rot-gut." As the story progresses, however, she is seen drinking less and less frequently.


Cecie/Durga Angel









  • According to the Gravity Rush 2 Complete Guide, Lisa is 40 years old.
  • Lisa can sometimes be seen wearing a pince-nez while reading, implying she is farsighted.
  • Lisa's voice actor, Michiko Kaiden, is known for her role as Rico Brzenska in the Japanese dub of the Attack on Titan anime series.

