Gravity Rush Wiki
Side mission icon (GR)

The side mission icon.

Side Missions are optional, DLC side-story missions designed as a two part series consisting of three separate plot-threads in Gravity Rush. Completing them increases Kat's reputation and gives her access to several different costumes. There are six side missions in total.

Side Missions[]

Side Mission Required Mission Location
A Time to Play Thick Skin Pleajeune
The Diary of a Maid The Hekseville Phantom Auldnoir
The Madam and the Shifter The Diary of a Maid Auldnoir
The Dreamlife of Ghosts A Time to Play Pleajeune
The Rules of War Fading Light Vendecentre
The Phantom of Bravery The Rules of War Vendecentre

See also[]
