Gravity Rush Wiki

Fly Me to the Storm is one of many side missions available in Gravity Rush 2, and is unlocked after finishing Episode 3, Trial and Passage.


Misai is about to head into one of the mining sites to do some surveying, and he asks Kat to join him. The first island they go to is swarming with Scarabs, so Kat takes them out so they can work without interruption. At one point, Misai asks Kat how long she'll be staying in Banga, but before she can answer, he sends her over to another island to gather more ore.

As she works, Misai is suddenly mobbed by more Scarabs, and she hurries back to his location to fight them off. After defeating the Giacago Nevi, Kat replies to Misai's earlier question that she won't be around much longer since she needs to find Raven and get back to Hekseville. They head back to Banga and leave their report on Lisa's desk. As Kat leaves to get cleaned up, Misai tries to tell her that he would like to go mining with her again anytime, but she'd already left at this point. Having overheard their conversation, he offers to treat Cecie as well if she stayed quiet.


Pick up Misai with Stasis and carry him over to the marker. Take out the Scarabs nearby before collecting gems. Once you have collected 30 of them, take Misai with you to the next area and repeat the process. Collect however many gems you need and defeat any Nevi that are nearby. Finally, you'll need to protect Misai from the Nevi surrounding him. Finish off the big Nevi, and the mission is complete. You'll have restart the fight if you fail to protect him, or if you stray too far from him.
