Falling to Pieces is the nineteenth episode in Gravity Rush. It is preceded by Adreaux on Call.
In the middle of the night, Kat is awakened by Alias, whom she thought he had killed. He then causes Dusty to emerge as several clones that take off into the city. Without hesitation, Kat sets out to find her companion, put him together, and fight Alias...again.
She finds herself in the same park area in which she first awakened in Hekseville, seeing visions of Zaza and Raven while she finds Dusty. As she recovers each Dusty clone, her power slowly returns to her, allowing her to fight some Nevi that spawn around the underbelly of Auldnoir.
Kat soon finds the last clone and Dusty is back to full strength, but the two are faced with a unique Nevi that resembles a panther that is also protected by a force field. Kat defeats the remaining Nevi that appear to knock out the shield. However, Kat does so transforming into a Panther, to her amazement.
Before she can even engage with Alias, he unexpectedly removes his mask and reveals his identity to Kat (but not the player, yet). Kat is visibly shocked by this, but before anything else is revealed, she finds herself back in her home, stirred from her sleep, realising that everything that just transpired was just a weird dream. Suddenly, something starts moving under her bedsheets, but it turned out to be just Dusty. Kat is initially relieved, but then something else appears, freaking her out, until Cyanea crawls out from under the bedsheets. Though Kat is bewildered by how she even got there in the first place, she does take Cyanea's presence as a positive sign that Raven and the Lost Children are still safe.
In the morning, Cyanea informs Kat that the Ark is still finding its way back to Hekseville. In the meantime, she offers Kat a chance to return to Boutoume any time she wishes. D'nelica announces a gathering at Freedom Square in Vendecentre for a special announcement.
Information Points[]
Conversations | People |
Rooming with Cyanea | Cyanea |
Kat asks Cyanea how she's always so calm in the face of such worrisome developments. Cyanea nonchalantly answers that she simply thinks that all bad things are good, which makes nothing but good things happen, advising Kat to just change her memories to make them better - to imagine how she'd do things differently. Kat fails to understand, and Cyanea tells Kat to look into her eyes. This unlocks the ability to revisit Boutoume. | |
Telling Fortunes IV | Aki |
A crestfallen Aki considers closing up early as her predictions have been all over the place today. Kat invites her for some fresh air - Aki refuses, inviting Kat to stay in and watch some TV with her, though Kat turns her down. | |
So Long and Thanks for All the Shifting | A soldier |
The soldier smugly tells Kat her services won't be needed anymore, thanking her for her service. | |
The Big Announcement | A male student |
The student ruminates on D'nelica's big announcement at the clock tower, telling Kat that rumour says it's about their new trump card against the Nevi, expressing excitement at the concept of the Nevi being gone for good; Kat expresses doubt. |
Kat's dream follows the same path taken in Episode 1; the gravity shifts only occur for the first few copies of Dusty, and from there until the 10th Dusty, it's a straightforward route. After that, Kat has to fight some Nevi, with each wave increasing in difficulty, culminating in two Giacago and two Malloid after all copies of Dusty have been collected. It's nothing you haven't deal with before, though, and you should be able to get through this, especially as the game has been throwing Precious Gems at you ever since Boutoume.