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Vogo's shipment to the Council has come up short - likely the work of a criminal organization that has risen in the town. Kat heads out to find their hideout and recover the stolen cargo, but discovers a very disturbing truth regarding the poorer citizens of Jirga Para Lhao.

Circles in the Water is the fifth episode of Gravity Rush 2, and the first episode of the Jirga Para Lhao chapter.


As she explores the new city, Kat stumbles upon Vogo at the harbour counting up the amount of ore to be shipped. Under the pressure from the Council to get it ready, Vogo tells Kat that some of the ore is missing. Fi claims that a group of bandits known as the Angry Centipede are the culprit. Kat sets out to find any shady character matching the description, successfully does, and then tails one of them back to their hideout. After beating up some of the bandits, Kat is struck by debris (giving her a bloody nose) and horrified to learn that Lei Elgona is home to the poorest of citizens, and the Angry Centipede only stole the ore to feed those less fortunate. All of a sudden, Garrison Forces storm the hideout guns blazing after the citizens failed to return the goods that the Garrison asked for prior, and Kat fights them off until they retreat. The Angry Centipede show extreme gratitude towards her for helping them, to which Kat apologizes for misunderstanding their intentions; though, she still retrieves the ore and gets it back to Vogo. However, she takes her share of the ore she got a while back and gives it to one of the families in Lei Elgona, as she could not bare watching it get handed over.

The social division leaves Kat feeling disgusted by the city's treatment of the poor, but even more so by Lisa's apathy towards it when she tell Kat that this is just the way things are Jirga Para Lhao.

Information Points[]

Conversations Citizen(s) Location
Syd's Reputation Buzzcut Banga man Lei Colmosna, West Banga
The man tells Kat that Syd took off on one of the personal transports, commenting that he seems like he has his head in the clouds. Kat agrees, complaining that he's always finding ways to avoid doing work.
Thanks Day Gawan Lei Colmosna, market docks
Gawan tells Kat that today is Thanks Day, noting that Cecie went into town to pick up a gift for Lisa. He sighs, wishing Lisa were nicer to Cecie, telling Kat that Lisa lost her own child to a gravity storm a while ago, and ever since has blamed herself - hence why she's so tough on Cecie. Kat simply says they both need to get better at telling each other how they feel.
Mixed Up in Trouble Lei Colmosnan man with green bandana Lei Colmosna, east Archway Viewing Screen dock
Noticing that she's one of Sun Shipping's new employees, the man tells Kat to be careful around Vogo, as he's mixed up with a lot of trouble.
Finding Love Lei Colmosnan woman in purple dress Lei Colmosna, docks near south pier
The woman speaks of a rumour of a girl who went toe-to-toe with the Garrison Forces in Lei Elgona, saying that the girl had a black cat; it begins to dawn on her that it may be Kat, though Kat pretends it's not. Not fooled, the woman tells Kat to be careful.
Money Moves the World Two Lei Colmosnan women Lei Colmosna, north Tritower
One woman tells the other that despite it being Thanks Day, she's not in the mood for present shopping, commenting on the oppressive atmosphere created by the corrupt government.


Start by asking people around the harbor to get some Intel on the Angry Centipede. Once you find one of them, follow him to Lei Elgona and tail him back to the Angry Centipede's hideout. You'll have to fight some of them once you arrive, only to learn that the district is home to the worst-off citizens of Jirga Para Lhao. Garrison forces will invade, and you need to fight them off as well. After that is done, the Angry Centipedes will become your allies, and will provide some side missions after completing the episode.


  • The opening series of comic panels for this episode is based on the "Forbidden Cargo" episode in the Gravity Rush 2 demo.

