Gravity Rush Wiki

Mayor Bolsey (ボルシー市長 Borushī shichō) is a character in Gravity Rush. He was the mayor of Hekseville who was later superseded by D'nelica.


He coined the term "Nevi" to name the strange creatures that first invaded Hekseville, in addition to establishing the elite police force.

He is seen by the citizenry as generally ineffectual against the appearance of the Gravity Storms and the Nevi. This leads to his defeat in the elections and Alderman D'nelica becoming the new mayor, never to be seen again.

Between Episodes 11 and 12, a couple of citizens you can speak with mention Bolsey has "kicked the bucket." However, it's never revealed how he died.

Physical Appearance[]

Bolsey is a relatively short man who wears a brown suit. He wears a waist coat underneath his suit jacket, as well as a white shirt with a three tailed medallion under the collar.


As mayor, Bolsey rarely appears; he appears in a newspaper clipping right at the tail-end of Episode 2 of Gravity Rush, "Shadows Over the City", and in another in Episode 11, Thick Skin, as well as on the news on the Vendecentre video displays in the same chapter.



  • Since mayors usually get addressed by surname, Bolsey's forename will most likely never be known.
  • Bolsey never actually appears physically at any point in the game, though he is talked about multiple times throughout the game by certain people.