Gravity Rush Wiki

Hxdddd Hxdddd 2 June 2022

Screen Freeze Lags in game play?

Hello everyone!

I'm David. I bought Gravity Rush (cartridge) for PS Vita in 2012 (when I was twelve) and really had tons of fun playing it!

Recently, when I pick the game up again nostalgically (10 year anniversary), I'm troubled by a minor problem.

When Kat is flying (or falling) quickly from one place to another (by pressing the X Botton), I experience screen freeze lags for about 2~3 seconds repeatedly, and it gets worse when I'm trying to move to a different town. This problem happens in both the main game and DLCs.

Since I don't remember my suffering from the same problem when I played the game 10 years ago, I'm wondering whether there is a problem with my cart or PS Vita console; or my memory is wrong and there has always been a rendering …

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Doctor-Swazz Doctor-Swazz 23 September 2019

Upgrade Chart

After casually looking about the wiki, I noticed that there wasn't any page dedicated to the upgrade chart in Gravity Rush 1 and 2. The upgrades themselves are frequently mentioned in posts (Micro Black Hole, Gravity Typhoon, etc.), but not the gem amounts, unlocks, and other fun details. Since it got revamped in the sequel, I was thinking of making a wiki that covers visual/price changes. What do you guys think?

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The Real Eugene Sims The Real Eugene Sims 17 September 2019

How Strong Is Kat? (Outside Of Gravity Rush)

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Power (Attack Potency, Striking Strength, and Durability)
    • 2.1 1. Kat Destroys Shipping Containers (Attack Potency - Gravity Rush 2)
  • 3 Speed
    • 3.1 1. Kat VS Nevi (Gravity Rush Overture)
  • 4 Lifting Strength
  • 5 Skill/Intelligence
  • 6 Hax & Resistances

I wanted to make a video on YouTube for this, but since I don’t have any editing software to do that, I decided I’d make a blog post about it on the Gravity Rush Wiki for now. I am also using the “Outside Of...” format from Kaleb I.A. on YouTube, so please support him and go check out his channel for his own “Outside Of...” videos and other related content:

Welcome to “Outside Of...” where I take a character from a franchise and calculate their feats to se…

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Doctor-Swazz Doctor-Swazz 25 March 2019

General Update

Hello, everyone. Just an update to say that I'm still part of the wiki! Can I get a general run-down of what remains to be done on the site? I've been keeping up with the most recent edits, but I don't see a pattern.

Also, during the break I've been continuing my unofficial manga for Gravity Rush 2, and I was wondering whether I'd be able to upload it as a page or something. It's already present in the largest Gravity Rush 2 group on Facebook, and I thought it'd be nice to keep up an ongoing manga for this site. What do you guys think?

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Thunderjaw01 Thunderjaw01 10 September 2018

Update in Wiki activity

Hey guys.

So I have recently found out that the two other wiki's that I am heavily involved with, those being "Crappy Games Wiki" and "Awesome Games Wiki", have been completely closed down. The reasons for the closures? I don't know, but an associate of mine told me that some vindictive weasel reported them for containing pro-Gamergate articles, but I won't go into detail on it because I really don't want to risk getting targeted.

Anyway, in light of losing these platforms, I have decided to mirage over here permanently. I am hoping to be more active on Gravity Rush wiki from this point onwards. I have been playing Gravity Rush 2 again lately, and I do hope to finish up on adding the remianing side missions in the game to the site.

That'll do…

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Thunderjaw01 Thunderjaw01 7 July 2018

Might as well share this with you guys.

Good day my fellow Gravity Rush fans! I haven't as busy on here as of late, playing other games and what have you. But anyway, I recently discovered a wiki that is dedicated to the most well-liked characters in fictional media, ranged from movies, TV shows, anime, and of course, video games. It's called Great Characters Wiki.

Since she is quite a popular character, I decided to give Kat her own page over on that wiki. I also decided to give Raven her own page as well, since she has her fans. I made those pages simply because of my adoration towards them both, and I could give many reasons why they are such great characters overall.

Feel free to go over there and take a look if you wish. Here's Kat's page, and here's Raven's.

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Doctor-Swazz Doctor-Swazz 26 June 2018

Challenge Missions

Sup, y'all!

Been thinking of making a Challenge Missions page for Gravity Rush 2, since there's already one for the original. Maybe all the empty links that have been floating around can connect to one page, where we list all the challenges in the game. Thoughts?

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Doctor-Swazz Doctor-Swazz 15 May 2018


Sup, y'all? Doctor Swazz here, the guy who's been clogging up the Wiki activity section recently. XD

Just wanted to give a heads up that I'm starting a 'Talismans' section for Gravity Rush 2, and I need help in documenting all the premium talismans and attributes in the game. If you guys could contribute to this page with any effects and talismans you come across that aren't already recorded, that would help a ton! Anyway, thanks for reading!

Your loyal anchorman at the Lei Colmosnean Channel, The Doc

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Thunderjaw01 Thunderjaw01 13 March 2018

Don't know if it'll work, but...

I've just been thinking:

There's a full page about the many costumes that Kat can obtain throughout the series. I'm not certain if it's a good idea or not, but I'll pitch the idea anyway: I might make a page about the gestures. I know there isn't much to write about them, but it's a good chance to make use of the photos that you can take with the in-game camera.

If it's not worth doing a separate page about them though, I might simply create a gallery of Kat's many gestures on the "Camera" page, if that makes more sense.

Let me know what you guys think, and I may or not go through with it, depending on responses.

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Thunderjaw01 Thunderjaw01 28 February 2018

About the two part OVA...

Hello people! I recently joined this wiki in the hopes that I could make some worthwhile contributions to the site.

I'm probably very late on this subject, but I wanted to talk a little about the two part anime released on Youtube back on Boxing Day of 2016. It is of course, Gravity Rush: Overture.

I don't know about you guys (or whoever stumbles across this), but I personally loved it. Though it was short, it was still very entertaining, and it definitely had the spirit and tone that the games have. The best part is just how faithful it was; from the tone, the characters, the art style, the music, the voice acting, and even the language everybody spoke in. The first part was a simply a tone piece for the second game, the second part is wher…

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MistaTweex MistaTweex 16 June 2017

good gravy i am busy

Hiya folks (or at least what few folks are reading this),

So I took on a new job role as a background check account manager for one of the largest health insurance companies in America (can't say which—gotta be kinda careful about this kind of stuff, lots of NDAs etc). This means I have little to no time to help out with the wiki expansion these days. But I think we should keep going! Also, I think it's high time we figured out how to get in touch with the admins of this wiki doesn't look like they've been particularly active on here, but I vote we try to get in touch with them and either have someone take over or get them to update the main page portal and make the information a little more accessible. Mewtwoclone and Death Bo…

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MistaTweex MistaTweex 21 May 2017

Wiki expansion

Hiya folks! I just wanted to give a shoutout to the community here. It looks like this hasn't been a super-active wiki lately, but I'm trying to really ramp up the amount/quality of the content here. Thanks to Mewtwoclone and ACampos for the help you guys have been been putting in. I hope we can all keep going to turn this wiki into something really informative and presentable and cool. :)

This is my first time really doing any heavy editing on a fan wiki, so if there's anything I should know or if there's anything I do wrong, let me know...this is kind of a new thing for me, heh. (I know my writing style can be a tad formal from time to time...trying to keep it as simple and straightforward as I can, haha.)

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15sok 15sok 6 February 2017

Gravity Rush Remastered Price

Why is the remastered game so expensive? Last time it was thirty dollars, and now one hundred? What happened?

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15sok 15sok 6 February 2017

Cecie Spinoff Game

With Gravity Rush ending and many not believing there would be a third, how about a video game that center on Cecie. Since getting her Angel power and Kat going missing, maybe during the one year skip, she will try and become the hero of Banga in a way to honor Kat. But she will have difficult with not only her shy nature, but coming to term with her inner Durga who would act like the Dusty to Cecie Kat? The gameplay could be a little different, but it is a spinoff after all. Some might want Raven as the new main character, but this could add a little more spice to the game.

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15sok 15sok 6 February 2017

Top 10 Characters

Since the game series came to an end, how about we list out our favorite characters that we have enjoyed over playing the game. Feel free to add reasons why you love them. You can make two versions as well, from favorite top 10 or disliked top 10.

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Mewtwoclone Mewtwoclone 5 August 2016

Gravity Rush 2's Presentation

Hi guys, I just want to let you knoow that I'm really excited for Gravity Rush 2 this Holiday season. I was wondering what the gameplay presentation will be like. Will it be like the first one or even better? Don't get me wrong. The first one was awesome and it looked amazing.

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WeslleyGabrielGamerX70 WeslleyGabrielGamerX70 10 February 2016

Vou Finalmente Ter Uma Compania

Eu Na verdade nunca Joguei esse Jogo so que quando eu vi a Kat Minha Mente ja me Mandou um Recado tem varios Paises que gosta da Protagonista Voce Comprando o Game voce Pode conversar com ela minha Mente Estava Certa eu Precisava de Compania então eu vendo alguns Videos desse Jogo eu pensando que ia Sair Pra Playstation 4 ou PS4 tanto faz Lançar uma Versão Remasterizada do Game e esse Pensamento deu certo uma versão totalmente Remasterizada do Playstation 4 mas eu infelizmente não tenho PS4 Mas quando eu ter eu vou passar o melhor tempo que eu Tiver Jogando morrendo Conversando Ninguem pode tirar a Pessoa que eu realmente Gosto. 

Com todo Respeito Kat :)

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Professor Deep Professor Deep 23 April 2014

New guy

My name is Professor_Deep and I've just recently joined the Gravity Rush wiki to help out filling the missing gaps. Gravity Rush is my all time favorite game and I've been playing for over 15 years!!! and seeing that this wiki page is the best wiki for gravity rush right now, I've decided to give a helping hand so those new comers and get the help they need so they can to become a gravity rush fan. The things I love about gravity rush is the art which gives off a cartoonish and comic like view. This makes it look at lot like anime which is fantastic and the soundtrack is the best I've heard and the only that I actually listen off-game. This Blog is mostly gonna be about Gravity rush and Wiki stuff, maybe some other non-gravity rush stuff b…

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Taffynitial Taffynitial 14 April 2014

Quick Update!

Hello everyone!

I'll be working my hardest to get the walkthrough finished this week, but part of the challenge will be structuring it for the wiki itself, so expect it to be uploaded over a bunch of days after it's finally finished!

Regarding the Gravity Rush spirits in Destiny of Spirits; has anyone managed to get ahold of these? I have all the spirits except for Yunica and the Nevi. I've already spent a fair amount of money on Destiny Orbs and it's a little frustrating not having these spirits on top of no guarantee I'll get them if I purchase more orbs... But we desperately need pictures for these two on the wiki!

However, like I said, I have all the other spirits, including the Gravity Panther and the previously unknown Nevi Shaga. I wil…

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The AlceX The AlceX 23 March 2014

Gravity Quiz is in English!

Finished it:   It isn't anything special, but it's fun.

How have you guys been? I've been working away slowly at the script, but really, life's been busy.

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The AlceX The AlceX 23 February 2014

Gravity Quiz!

Hey everybody! I recently posted the fifth Gravity Days comic to Reddit, where it got a pretty warm reception. I hope we get a couple more of contributors from there! Most importantly though, thanks to the user InYourHands I found Gravity Quiz! Don't get too excited though, it just seems to be talking about Gravity Rush's second anniversary, but I'll be translating it too.

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The AlceX The AlceX 12 February 2014

I'm back!

In case you didn't notice, I was gone for the last two weeks. I had wonky internet where I went, so I couldn't check the GR wiki much. But now I'm back! Time to get to work again.

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Taffynitial Taffynitial 26 January 2014

Revamping the Walkthrough

Hello again everyone!

So I've been pretty silent for the past three weeks after posting a plea for more editors. A couple of good folks showed up, and I'm sure they know who they are! ;)

Anyway, in my absence I've been quietly working on the walkthrough for the game. I originally planned to finish the walkthrough in the same style it's been written for the first eight chapters, but after thoroughly playing through the game a third time, I decided to start over and build a fully comprehensive guide.

This will include a plot summary (with detailed analyses for certain aspects), comic strips, optional dialogue spots, challenge recommendations, leveling recommendations and, of course, the walkthrough itself, with plenty of tips.

I will scour for s…

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The AlceX The AlceX 23 January 2014

Gravity Days Script, what do you think?

Recently, I asked for some help in translating the fifth Gravity Days comic (which was in chinese), and I got it. The wording was somewhat akward though, so I decided to make my own version of the script taking pieces from both translations and making them sound better. Here it is, what do you think? The lines in italic are comments of mine.

Page 1
Raven: ...Why? Why must you interfere?
Raven: Why must I deal with these sort of people?
Off-Screen Voice: Raven...
Gade: I can't let you do this.
Gade: Let me tell you, even though that man looks... (I'm guessing he's refering to D'Nelica here, thus why I put "man")
Raven: Stop lecturing me and open the door, now!
Gade: Th-that hurts! How can you treat an old man like this?
Yuri: The old man isn’t wrong. …

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The AlceX The AlceX 21 January 2014

Gravity Days fonts, which one do you like best?

Hey! Recently, Megidra posted scans of the final Gravity Days comic, not available anywhere else before. We're working on making an english version, but we're having some difficulties in choosing a font. I looked through the ones I had in my computer, and made an image album of my favorites,  but I'm not sure which one is the best. So, I'm asking you guys. Which one is your favorite?

(and yes, I know I made a mistake on IrisUPC...)

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The AlceX The AlceX 17 January 2014

Starting work on the Script!

Hey! As a way to make it easier for people to work on the wiki, I've decided to make a script of Gravity Rush containing all of the dialogue in game in the form of a text document. I'm just starting so far, but I hope this'll help.

Here's the first version. So far I just finished the first chapter and part of the second. If you have any suggestions/fixes, please tell me!

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Taffynitial Taffynitial 6 January 2014

We've got work to do!

This Wiki seriously needs some more editors, especially in anticipation for Gravity Rush 2. I'll try my best over the coming months, but exam season resumes for me pretty soon, and we can get this all done much faster as a team!

Let's all be good Gravity Rush fans and make an impression to the newcomers. A dedicated fanbase attracts more fans after all! As the franchise expands, newcomers are going to want more reading material. We need to show the world we are the number one source for all things Gravity Rush!

If anyone needs assistance in grabbing screenshots or writing a page, just give me a shout! Or hit me up on PSN (ID = Taffynitial)

Taffynitial (talk) 23:33, January 6, 2014 (UTC)Taffynitial

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Halo Monkey Halo Monkey 23 October 2013

Gravity Rush 2 Speculation

Hey guys, what do you think Gravity Rush 2 will be about? What changes do you think they'll implement? Any ideas?

I'm thinking it'll go deeper into both Kat's and Raven's past, and that Alias will somehow return.

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Breakdanca27 Breakdanca27 6 October 2013

New to wikia

Hi everyone! Since I am new I need to ask a few questions:

  • How do you make spoiler tags?
  • How do you make good tables?

Thanks a bunch!

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Westside JDM Westside JDM 28 January 2013

COME ON!!!!!!!!!!

Hello I'm new here and I'm at the last level that involves the botoume when Kat finds a way in the ark when I go in the pillar every time I go up and down the stupid thing more Spike ball nevi spawn can someone help me? thanks.

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SolidKat SolidKat 18 September 2012

What do you guys think about the story? Is a Gravity Rush 2 imminent?

Personally my favorite part about Gravity Rush was the story. Something about the characters and the way that they are developed throughout the game was so fascinating to me.

Regardless of how much I enjoyed the story though, the game ended with so many un answered questions. I was often puzzled as to who Kat was, what the whole deal with this Hekseville world was, what the real significance of the pillar was, who in the world Alias was and why it seemed like he was Syd, and so much more. I kept playing though, assuming these things would be thoroughly answered at some point in the game. Then the credits rolled, and I felt myself somewhat dissapointed because I wanted so much more. Don't get me wrong, I loved this game, and its because I…

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JetSetGame JetSetGame 19 February 2012

About Gravity Rush

Hey guys! Like many of you, I'm eagerly awaiting what looks to be one of the best games of the year for the PlayStation Vita. After hours of trolling through the dark, abysmal hole known as the Internet, I have compiled some information about the game, as well as an early psuedo-review after my impressions of it's demo.

The game is about a young girl named Kat, who wakes up on a strange world with no memories whatsoever. Said world is falling apart, and it's up to her to defeat the strange, shadowy beasts that have begun to appear with the aid of her gravity-manipulating cat.

The premise behind the game is that you can control gravity. In essence, after aiming in a certain direction, you can "fall" towards a building and walk up it's side. T…

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Treasure Man 1 Treasure Man 1 11 February 2012

Daze or Rush

Hey guys, I was wondering which name you perfer, Gravity Daze or Gravity Rush. I heard daze first and liked it better but now Ilike rush just the same.

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